
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

         Color slide show of pendants ~ Click image directly above!

Meditate on the symbols I give thee. Keys are they, 
though hidden from men."   from the "Emerald tablet of Thoth

Sacred Geometry has been expressed in symbols, images, art, mysticism, architecture, books and jewelry throughout history by masons, artists, sculptures, writers, metaphysicians and geometricians to convey religious, philosophical, cultural and spiritual beliefs.  Sacred Geometry shapes are found everywhere in nature and throughout the Cosmos from the microscopic to the celestial.

"I hope you enjoy learning about our Sacred Geometry Pendants (also referred to as Talisman or Medallions) that I have available for purchase on this website. These pendants are not only Functional Healing Jewelry but also make unique unforgettable gifts for those people who you really care about.

May our pendants serve in your evolution to the next level of spiritual development",  Samuel Kiwasz